Aaron Witt

Can the Dirt World Learn Recruiting From the US Marines?

Written by Aaron Witt | Mar 28, 2024 3:00:00 PM

Interestingly, I heard the other day that the US Marines are the only major US military branch not struggling to meet its recruiting targets.

I had to learn more since there are MANY parallels between the Dirt World and the military.

What are the key ingredients to their success? Here’s what I discovered...

First, they select top-performing Marines to fill recruiting roles and thoroughly train them on the task.

Second, they focus on pride and accomplishment in becoming a Marine. It’s HARD, and instead of watering it down, they lean into it. A career as a Marine isn’t for everyone, but it is for those they must recruit.

Third, they focus on the team rather than individuals. They require those who want to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

And ultimately, the Marines are different.

“People have tried to sell me things my entire life, and I’m betting that’s the same for most younger folks. The Marine Corps didn’t try to sell me anything. They offered me an opportunity to prove myself to them and to become something more. That’s what the Marine Corps offers, and plenty of young people out there want to take that offer.”

A few questions to consider:

  • How can the Dirt World leverage top performers to attract more top performers?
  • How can the Dirt World LEAN INTO the fact that it’s not for everyone?
  • How can the Dirt World focus on the bigger picture—beyond the money, benefits, and typical talking points? How can people contribute to something bigger than themselves within the industry?
  • And, finally, how can the Dirt World offer young people the opportunity to become something more?

Reporting thanks to Travis Pike at Sand Boxx News!

Dirt Talk Podcast

In this episode, Aaron is Joined by Rob Seibert President of, Off The Road: North America at Bridgestone Americas. You may know Bridgestone for their personal vehicle tires or maybe from racing, or if you’re from Nashville the Arena downtown. The average person might not think about the hundreds of thousands of tons of raw materials carried by haul trucks or moved by machines, all carried by air and rubber.

This is exactly what Rob is interested in, to him tires are more than just something cool you see transiently passing on the highway. Tires decide production time, tires decide how long a machine can keep running, and tires keep the industries essential to our nation and economy moving forward.


Only a stone's throw from Salt Lake City lies the world's deepest mine — Rio Tinto Kennecott. Hardworking miners have extracted copper, silver, gold, and other critical resources here for over a century.

Not only do they mine incredible amounts of ore here using shovels and trucks, but it's also America's only integrated copper mining operation. This means they start with rock and end with 99.9% pure copper, all in the same place!

If you use electricity, you use copper. It doesn't get more essential!

I'll see you next month! Don’t miss out!!

Stay Dirty