Hawaii Fire—How You Can Help-1

Hawaii Fire—How You Can Help

You’ve likely seen the horrifying photos and videos from the recent fires on Maui, most notably from Lahaina. It’s the most deadly American wildfire in a century, and Lahaina is no more.

You’re likely wondering how you can help. But you also want to be sure your money and support make it to the “front lines.”

My friend Kimo was raised in Lahaina, and he currently operates a Lahaina-based construction company called Truth Excavation.


In February, I ran with him in the hills outside his Lahaina home. He pointed out vast swaths of land he’d planned to use for agriculture to support the community. While Hawaii is known as a destination for the ultra-rich, the locals often struggle financially.

But after his community burned a few days ago (the second video is his home), he texted me saying, “All our plans just changed for the next ten years.

Not only have Kimo and his crew worked nonstop to cut fire breaks, clear roads, and fight the fires, but they’ll work to rebuild the town for years to come.

How can you help?

If you haven’t already, consider donating to Kimo’s GoFundMe—the money will keep his business open and crew paid. It will be months before insurance helps.


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